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December 2021

Click the below to download the board minutes.

The Estates at Eagle Creek Property Owners' Association Board Meeting

December 9, 2021

231 S Palo Alto Dr

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm. Quorum established.

Board Members present: Philip Vipond, President; Charlie Johns, 2nd Vice President; Karen Turner, Treasurer (present at 6:05 p.m.); Art Morgan, 1st VP; Theresa Morehous, Sec; Rebecca Hopp, Welcoming committee chair. Brian Morehous, property owner, Tom Turner, property owner.

Secretary's Report: The minutes from October 25, 2021 have been previously distributed by email to the board members.  Art Morgan made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented, Charlie Johns 2nd. Motion passed 4-0.

Treasurer's Report: Deposits: $377.64  Debits: $535.46

Checking balance: $13,638.68 Edward Jones: $39,010.05 (+.31) Report balance: $52,648.73

Motion made to accept by Art Morgan, seconded by Charlie Johns. Motion passed 5-0

A.C.C. Report- New home going up on 775.

New fence on 775 & Chaparral, they also have had trash lying on side of road. Charlie will discuss with them.

Welcoming Committee: nothing to report. This is Rebecca’s resigns her position as chair of the committee.

All supplies have been brought to give to next chair.

Old Business:

  • 218 Palo Verde, still nothing has been done. (DOV 3-11-2020) Attorney sent a letter and imposed a fine of $1,500 and got no response. Second letter did not go out as planned. Attorney will work on this.

  • Delinquent back maintenance, admin fees, and attorney fees for two homeowners who have ignored us. All agreed to initiate foreclosure proceedings through our attorney. Attorney has called both property owners and received no reply. He will begin foreclosure proceedings on both properties.

  • 126 Encino $500 fine imposed, sent to attorney. Owner did not pick up certified letter but the fine will stand. Philip had talked to property owner and contractor. Fine still has not been paid and not any progress on repairs. Philip will contact owner.(DOV 2/21)

  • 145 Chaparral. Two letters have been sent to Ms. Wright’s attorney and no response. Will table.

  • Encino Dr pet pigs/piglets - Charlie will send violation letter to owners (DOV 9/21)

  • Karen talked to owners on Sky Hawk about dog chasing individuals. They will keep their dog in yard.

  • Barking dog on S Palo Alto-Art talked to owners and it has been resolved.

  • 18 wheeler on 775 making noise in late hours. Resolved

  • Sandy has made corrections on website. Still needs to update and add minutes.

  • Facebook pages have been combined or deleted. Found a FB page created by past president. Philip will try to get that one closed.

New Business:

  • Budget proposal-Karen will prepare for Jan meeting

  • Annual General meeting- will reserve Oak Hills Church for Feb 5th, 2021 at 10 am. Two positions up for election, Charlie and Karen’s place.

  • A post will be put on Facebook for a new Welcoming Committee chair.

  • Fiberglass in ground pool sitting on the side of the road on Chaparral. Charlie will talk with owner. Owner needs to have pool removed within 2 weeks.

  • 118 Chaparral has a pot belly pig and report of owner’s dog chasing bikers.

  • Charlie will get with road commissioner, Larry Wiley, about our roads.

Next meeting Jan 13th at 6 p.m. Karen made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:54pm., Charlie seconded. Motion passed 5-0

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